Friday, October 31, 2014

Guardian (Angels): Raising A Son With Special Needs

One of the perks of being Willie's Mommy are all the wonderful people I get to meet.  Through the years, a handful of these teachers, therapists, mentors, and coaches have become my good friends. These are people who see the true essence of Willie.  They cannot get enough of him.  They "get" him. They learn from him and in turn teach him.  These special folks help me to remember and see the pure spirit of my Willie.  They remind me that he is special in a way that has nothing to do with Special Needs.  For Willie is an old soul.  He touches people's hearts.  He has an ability to deeply connect with others with few words.  Through Willie's struggles and victories, others are drawn to the lessons he teaches.  One of perseverance, humor, life's universal struggles, compensations, and love.

The other day, I was lucky enough to have lunch with one of these fabulous ladies from Willie's life.  She worked intimately with Willie every day for three years.  She taught Willie how to be on a team, how to be silent, how to chop safely, and how to be a true friend.  This mentor and coach loved Willie so completely that she asked me if she could go on a Sumer Vacation and journey with him. And they did. Willie gave back to her too, clearly.  Their connection illustrated Willie's abilities to work and to bond,  and I am still mourning it's end.

So at coffee, we were talking about Willie's future.  All of a sudden, she blurted out "I will be Willie's Guardian."  I laughed and said that wasn't necessary as I was Willie's Power Of Attorney.  So then she smiled this beautiful and magical smile and said "then I will be his Guardian Angel."

And that was it for me, not being a cryer, my eyes swelled with tears. And I remembered that of course she already was Willie's Guardian Angel.  For Willie has and always will attract a few very special people that are intuitively drawn to him and watch over him. As he lay dying for that week when he was in his coma, I believe he made a deal with that mysterious upper world. And somehow, he was granted his life back, with the support and love of a select few.  Those are his Guardian Angels.

I am lucky enough to know them all. Thanks Willie.

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