Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Back To The Future:Raising A Son With Special Needs

Tonight is Halloween. My 4 children have graduated from trick or treating, as our youngest is in High School.  Finally. First year ever. Yet, Willie is back home living with us and wants to go trick or treating. Thus, I am back to my new future and will be the lucky companion to take Willie trick or treating.

Halloween is a trigger for Willie and for me. He loves dressing up, even when it is not Halloween. His costume has not come, so there is that. He will dress up tonight as a rock and roll STAR, in lieu of that costume that just won't seem to ever arrive. Willie loves candy. He loves to eat endless amounts of it. Ugh, I hate that. As I walk the streets with him tonight, I am full of shame. For what 24 year old still goes trick or treating. So I will look down as I pass neighbors and others I may know as I take my 24 year old trick or treating.  For he cannot go alone. He needs supervision. Supervision he so desperately hates and resents, yet knows is necessary.

Some have told me to embrace his joy about Halloween and lack of insight about how inappropriate it may be for an adult to trick or treat with his mom. To shed my embarrassment. Some have said you are giving him a great gift.  And I will stick with that version of my new future.

Trick or treat!


  1. People who do not have kiddos with special needs forget that although their bodies get bigger, sometimes they are much younger inside. I hope he had a great time.

  2. Willie had a wonderful time although he was worried he was too old. Ironic. So hard to be little in a man's body.

  3. My 26 year old son goes Trick-or-Treating every year with his friends (all about the same age), me and his friends parents. I don't see it coming to an end anytime soon. Is interests are limited so I will take him as long as he wishes to go. We do get some stares but that's their problem not mine. I hope he had a wonderful time and I hope that costume shows up in time for next year.

  4. That is a wonderful scenario that incudes friends. Good mama!
