Wednesday, March 28, 2018

THE MAILMAN: Raising A Son With Special Needs

When my husband picked Willie up after the incident described below, Willie's therapist exclaimed: "This guy can't get a break!"  It's true, Willie had been abused by his former group home, from which he is still healing over one year later.  His PTSD diagnoses, resulting from this abuse, has left him fragile and vulnerable.

The most moving remark Willie made when processing this sad event, included his statement about how scary this Mailman was who verbally accosted him out of nowhere.  I assured Willie that he was safe but Willie pointed out that he does not feel safe as "the mailman was so unpredictable."  Again my Brain Damaged 25 year old adult son was so clearly correct and insightful.

Article about Willie's unfortunate encounter with the Mailman