Willie is struggling currently. He reports that he doesn't like himself. The other day he told me that he fears he will become his animalistic self again. Furthermore, he wonders why he is feeling so sad, angry, confused.
These feelings made for a difficult and depressing 2 weeks during the Holidays. Willie's feelings manifested themselves into an angry and oppositional young man. He refused to get out of bed most days and didn't want to participate in much during this time.
We are seeking help and trying to help our sweet, troubled young man. Visits and communications with his Psychiatrist to adjust meds, conversations and brain storming with his house parents to get him up and moving to increase endorphins and health, and lots and lots of worry. And a muteness.
SO I have nothing to say, hence my blog is empty these days. When I am in one of these "Willie crises," I cannot talk about it. Ask any of my friends and family. When we have these troubling Willie periods, I retreat and am silent. It is a predictable cycle.
Here's to hoping I can write a fun and happy or at least an expressive and tantalizing BLOG entry soon...